
Nach der Devise: "Nicht versprechen, sondern handeln" hat das Demokratische Forum der Deutschen im Kreis Kronstadt (DFDKK) kürzlich seine Spitzenkandidaten für die Lokalwahlen im Juni 2012 vorgestellt.

"Größtes Ziel sind ... die Ämter des Bürgermeisters von Kronstadt/Braşov, des Kreisratsvorsitzenden und möglicherweise auch einiger anderer Bürgermeisterämter, wie Wolfgang Wittstock, DFDKK-Vorsitzender, bei der am Mittwoch einberufenen Pressekonferenz betonte. Diese war vor allem Anlass, die beiden Spitzenkandidaten für die genannten Ämter vorzustellen. Ein Novum ist auch, dass sich das Forum zum ersten Mal der Unterstützung des Deutschen Wirtschaftsklubs Kronstadt erfreut.
Als Kandidat für das Amt des Kronstädter Bürgermeisters wurde Christian Macedonschi, Vorsitzender des Verbands zur Förderung und Entwicklung des Tourismus im Kreis Kronstadt (APDT), vorgestellt. Der Rückkehrer ist seit 2010 Mitglied im Deutschen Forum und hat so wie auch Werner Braun das DFDKK in mehreren Aktionen unterstützt, ganz besonders bei der Veranstaltung des Sachsentreffens im September 2011. 
Für den Vorsitz des Kronstädter Kreisrats stellt sich Wolfgang Wittstock zur Wahl . Er baut dabei auch auf seine langjährige Erfahrung als ehemaliger Vorsitzender des Demokratischen Forums der Deutschen in Rumänien (DFDR), auf die elf Jahre als Abgeordneter im Parlament und auf bereits sechs Jahre als Vorsitzender des DFDKK. Sein Hauptziel sei, das Vertrauen in die Lokalbehörden zu stärken und ausländische Investoren heranzuziehen."

Quelle: ADZ.ro von Freitag, 20. April 2012 (http://www.adz.ro/lokales/artikel-lokales/artikel/nicht-versprechen-sondern-handeln/)


Declaration of principles - by Paulo Coelho

Read and think about it!

1] All human beings are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.

2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.

3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives a person to meet his/her destiny, his gift obliges that person to share with others which is good in him/her. A human being must know when to use power, and when to use compassion.

4] Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he/she who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse – and others will always choose for him/her.

5] Each human being has the right to two blessings, which are: the blessing to do right, and the blessing to err. In the latter case, there is always a path of learning leading to the right way.

6] Each human being has his own sexual profile, and should exercise it without guilt – provided he does not oblige others to exercise it with him/her.

7] Each human being has his own Personal Legend to be fulfilled, and this is the reason he is in the world. The Personal Legend is manifest in his enthusiasm for what she/he does.

Single paragraph – the Personal Legend may be abandoned for a certain time, provided one does not forget it and returns as soon as possible.

8] Each man has a feminine side, and each woman has a masculine side. It is necessary to use discipline with intuition, and to use intuition objectively.

9] Each human being must know two languages: the language of society and the language of the omens. The first serves for communication with others. The second serves to interpret messages from God.

10] Each human being has the right to seek out joy, joy being understood as something which makes one content – not necessarily that which makes others content.

11] Each human being must keep alight within him the sacred flame of madness. And must behave like a normal person.

12] The only faults considered grave are the following: not respecting the rights of one’s neighbor, letting oneself be paralyzed by fear, feeling guilty, thinking one does not deserve the good and bad which occurs in life, and being a coward.

Paragraph 1 – we shall love our adversaries, but not make alliances with them. They are placed in our way to test our sword, and deserve the respect of our fight.

Paragraph 2 – we shall choose our adversaries, not the other way around.

12A] We hereby declare the end to the wall dividing the sacred from the profane: from now on, all is sacred.

13] Everything which is done in the present, affects the future by consequence, and the past by redemption.

14] The impossible is possible

Paulo Coelho


Capitala Verde a Romaniei

Brasov - my home town, also the first city to win the title "Green capital of Romania" should keep this title, as it is not only surrounded by nature, but also has one big nature reserve (Tampa Mountain) in the middle of the city, many beautiful parks, lots of trees, green hills and surroundings. Not to forget the many (mostly green/coloured) roundabouts... ;-) It's surrounding hills are also home of a rich flora and fauna, which makes it for me the one city, which really deserves the title again and again... :)

Brasov, orasul meu natal, totodata primul oras care a castigat titlul de "Capitala Verde a Romaniei" ar merita sa-si pastreze acest titlu in continuare. Si asta deoarece Brasovul nu este inconjurat doar de natura, dar are si o mare rezervatie naturala (Muntele Tampa) in centru, dar si multe parcuri frumoase, alei, cat si imprejurimi. Sa nu uitam de frumoasele (si in general verzile/coloratele) sensuri giratorii... ;-)
Imprejurimile gazduind tototada o mare gama de flora si fauna, ceea ce pentru mine inseamna ca acest oras frumos merita titlul de "Capitala Verde" din nou si din nou...

Here we go

Here I am, back home...
Enjoying life, love, work, friends and family.

As my website hasn't had any updates for years, I decided to stop it and move on with something new.
To my fans of lunetiq.de: However I'm going to post all my old travel reports on this blog asap, and will do so with the new ones too, of course.

Comments are very welcome and let's keep in touch!
Lots of hugs and kisses to all of you out there!