
Capitala Verde a Romaniei

Brasov - my home town, also the first city to win the title "Green capital of Romania" should keep this title, as it is not only surrounded by nature, but also has one big nature reserve (Tampa Mountain) in the middle of the city, many beautiful parks, lots of trees, green hills and surroundings. Not to forget the many (mostly green/coloured) roundabouts... ;-) It's surrounding hills are also home of a rich flora and fauna, which makes it for me the one city, which really deserves the title again and again... :)

Brasov, orasul meu natal, totodata primul oras care a castigat titlul de "Capitala Verde a Romaniei" ar merita sa-si pastreze acest titlu in continuare. Si asta deoarece Brasovul nu este inconjurat doar de natura, dar are si o mare rezervatie naturala (Muntele Tampa) in centru, dar si multe parcuri frumoase, alei, cat si imprejurimi. Sa nu uitam de frumoasele (si in general verzile/coloratele) sensuri giratorii... ;-)
Imprejurimile gazduind tototada o mare gama de flora si fauna, ceea ce pentru mine inseamna ca acest oras frumos merita titlul de "Capitala Verde" din nou si din nou...

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately Oradea (Großwardein/Nagyvárad) won the title. Hopefully this will be a drive to all politicians and representatives, to change their policy and not to fall back to the past with their projects.
